Friday, August 5, 2011


It often feels like food is the biggest variable in the quest to be smart with my money. It's so easy to eat out all the time and spend mounds of money. It's also easy to go to the store and buy steak and shrimp and chips and pre-made stuff...and that costs a lot, too. This week I've been doing a lot of cooking and "making it work" with the ingredients we have at home. Usually it's kind of a treat for me to walk to the grocery store for just a few ingredients, but I've been holding off.

It's been difficult, but I've enjoyed making dinner from what I can find. The only problem is that I've been using up our stores of food--our freezer is looking a lot more roomy and there are almost no cans in our pantry anymore. Does anyone out there in internet land have any healthy, easy, yummy dinner recipes?

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