Saturday, July 30, 2011

Money and marriage

Being married really complicates money management; at least for me. Before I was married (and when I was working full-time) I didn't use a budget. I just didn't spend very much, and I saved up enough that I was able to put a down-payment on a condo.

Then I lost my full-time job and got married. And now everything is more complicated. If I were totally in charge, we would probably spend much less then we do now. For me, technology will never be an emergency. But when I've indicated that we're in the red for the month, my husband will mention some deal on a cellphone he found on ebay and ask if I want it. Eek! Or, if he wants to buy something, he asks me for permission. I don't want to be his mom, and I don't want to be a bad guy. I just want us to stick to our budget and amass some savings. I'm starting to learn that common sense really means that people think that the way their parents did things is the right way. But in this case I know I am right! But it does hurt to be called a "money-Nazi".

We're working hard on this, and things are getting better, but it's easy to see how money can cause problems in marriage.

P. S.-If you read this post, you have to read tomorrow's, which will say all the nice things about having a husband and worrying about money : )

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